Syria Emergency Appeal

Syria: A Decade-Long Crisis
When donating, remember one thing: over 13 million Syrians are displaced, which means they do not have any means of coming out of this situation apart from help and support from people like us. We must continue helping them rebuild their lives and, Insha’Allah, in a few years, they will be able to go back to their homes, rebuild their towns and cities, and most importantly, rebuild their lives. We ask Allah to help our Syrian brothers and sisters facing difficulties.
13 Million Syrians are waiting for our Help
Why Donate to Syria Emergency Appeal
13 Million
6.8 million
5.2 million
8.8 million
Help Syrians and Earn Allah’s Pleasure
Musnad Ahmad
HCR on the Ground in Syrian Refugee Camps
Still not sure whether to donate to Syria Crisis Appeal or not, read this!
Imagine facing each day with the uncertainty of not having enough to eat. This is the harsh reality for over 13 million Syrians. Daily meals, a basic human necessity, have become a luxury many cannot afford. It’s time to ask ourselves: Will we continue watching the plight of our Syrian brothers and sisters or are we going to do something?
Let’s join together and firstly make dua for the people of Syria and secondly donate from our halal earnings as much as we can.
HCR – Help Alleviate Poverty
Before you support our Food Appeal, Water Appeal, Gaza Emergency Appeal, Yemen Emergency Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, or any Emergency Appeal, remember to make the intention that you are donating for the sake of Allah first and helping your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters second. This is very important because as Muslims, whatever act of worship we do, we do it for the sake of Allah.
Along with our emergency appeals, we are working on some amazing projects which will, Insha’Allah, bring prosperity to many Muslim homes from around the world. Donate your Sadaqah and Zakat to our projects like Build a Masjid, Livelihoods for the Poor, Sponsor a Widow, Sponsor an Orphan, Sponsor a Nikah, Donate a Sewing Machine, or help educate the Ummah by donating towards education projects, Sponsoring a Hafiz, Sponsoring a Child in Education, or supporting young people in university and Islamic education. Donate with confidence, Insha’Allah, every penny of your donation is your Amanah, and we will try our best to spend it on people who are in need.
Every year, we as Muslims celebrate two seasons the most: one, Ramadan, and two, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. During these blessed days, we put all our efforts into pleasing Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى by performing good deeds. Here at HCR, we provide you with the platform to perform an important act of worship: charity. In Ramadan, you can donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, and Ramadan Zakat Appeal, Donate Your Fidyah, Donate Your Fitrana, and Pay Your Kaffarah for Breaking Oath or Breaking Fast, especially during the blessed nights of Laylatul Qadr. In Dhul Hijjah, we are here to help fulfil your duty of performing Qurbani. Whichever cause you choose, choose it with confidence. Insha’Allah.